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Ōkagami: from chapter 5・Tōshi monogatari (Tales of the Fujiwara Family)

Senior Grand Empress Shōshi is to enter religion, it seems, and to become an Imperial Lady with the same status as a Retired Emperor. People say that she will receive the commandments at an ordination platform erected at the Hōjōji, and that other nuns are eager to come and receive them with her. When my wife heard the news, she said, That is when I will crop my white head. Don't try to stop me. 

I won't, I said, but you must find me a young woman afterward. 

I'll have a talk with my niece right away to fix it up, she answered. There might be problems if we brought in a complete stranger. 

No, it wouldn't work, I said. At my age, I can't be saddled with someone I'm not used to, whether she's a relative or not. 

We went right out after that, and got her a hiki52 or two of good silk to make her a skirt and surplice. 


 The Great Mirror (大鏡 Ōkagami)

Chapter 5 Tales of the Fujiwara Family” (藤氏物語 Tōshi monogatari)


Translated by Helen Craig McCullough in Ōkagami, The Great Mirror: Fujiwara Michinaga (966-1027) and His Times.


Original footnotes

52 A unit of measurement, equivalent to about twenty-one meters.

Other notes, by author of the blog, based on McCullough 1980

  • Senior Grand Empress Shōshi is Fujiwara no Shōshi藤原彰子 (also read as Akiko; 9881074). She was the oldest daughter of Fujiwara no Michinaga 藤原道長 (9661028) and his principal wife Minamoto no Rinshi 源倫子 (9641053). Fujitsubo 藤壺 consort of Emperor Ichijō (一条天皇 Ichijō tennō9801011), Shōshi was mother of Emperors Goichijō (後一条天皇Goichijō tennō; 10081036) and Gosuzaku (後朱雀天皇 Gosuzaku tennō; 10091045), and became Senior Grand Empress (太皇太后 taikōtaigō) in 1018. The story above is related to her wish to become a nun, which she did in 1026. The name Jōtōmon-in 上東門院 was granted to her on the same day.
    • Murasaki Shikibu 紫式部 (around 973–1014 or 1025; Hyakunin Isshu 57) and her daughter Daini no Sanmi 大弐三位 (999??; Hyakunin Isshu 58), Izumi Shikibu 和泉式部 (dates uncertain; Hyakunin Isshu 56) and her daughter Koshikibu no Naishi 小式部内侍 (?1025; Hyakunin Isshu 60), Akazome Emon 赤染衛門 (dates uncertain; Hyakunin Isshu 59), and Ise no Tayū 伊勢大輔 (dates uncertain; Hyakunin Isshu 61) all served Shōshi and belonged to her literary salon. 
  • Hōjōji 法成寺 was a great temple built by Michinaga. Amitābha Hall (also called Midō 御堂) was dedicated in 1020, and the Golden Hall (Kondō 金堂) in 1022.